Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What are the Best Survey Sites to Join?

Perhaps the first question I always get asked when someone asks about paid surveys is which one's are the best to join?

Well, here is a little paid survey scoresheet I have put together based on my own experience.

If you have an opinion on these or another one I haven't reviewed, I'd love to hear it.


Adam Moules said...

Hi there, I'm the owner of Australian Survey Sites I just wanted to stop by and let you know that you have missed quite a few Australian friendly sites, although some of the sites you do list are very very good.

Unknown said...

Thanks Adam, had a look at your web site and great to see that you are developing it with some valuable content.

There are many 'paid survey' sites out there. I only try to list ones that I think are reputable and provide an honest review of them. You can read a review of each of the sites I list here.

I personally think there are about 5 Australian survey sites worth joining if you are new to paid surveys, then a few to join after you get the hang of it.

Sometimes I choose not to list a site at all, for instance, I am very reluctant to link to anything from 'goZing' because of their history of embedding ad-ware in their programs.