There is actually a very easy way to make some extra money on the internet. Market research companies will pay you to answer surveys, respond to emails and comment on advertising. All you do is join and fill out some demographic information and the surveys start rolling into your inbox. You can respond to as many or as few as you like.
There are so many of these market research companies. I have even seen lists and databases with over 700 web sites in them. My experience is that if you join some of these you will never see a survey, let alone a payout.
So the question is, which ones are the best to join?
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Lots of Surveys coming from Valued Opinions & Global Test Market
There are quite a few surveys coming from Valued Opinions and Global Test Market at the moment. I have just traded my accumulated cash for a $20 Coles Voucher and should have another one to collect shortly. I should be getting a payment from Global Test Market for around $50 sometime in January.
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